
The Tinker capability has various features related to right-clicking with your fist on blocks. Tinker often can be used in place of the debug stick, being slighty faster compared to the debug stick's clunky interface but sometimes lacking the ability to change some non-visual properties.

Aiming at specific parts of a block can change the effect of the tinker. This lets you quickly change full blocks into stairs, stairs into slabs and vice versa. It also lets you easily adjust walls/fences to create states that Minecraft normally doesn’t allow.

Tinker interactions can be negated while the capability is toggled on by either having a non-empty hand or by holding down the sneak or ‘shift’ button.

BlockTinker Property Effect
WallsCycle axis and cycle none, low, tall
FencesCycle axis
Chorus PlantCycle axis and toggle up / down
Iron BarsCycle axis
PistonCycle facing and switches Extended / Retracted
FurnaceCycle facing and toggle lit
Carved Pumpkin/Jack o'LanternCycle facing and switches Carved / Jack o'Lantern
BarrelCycle facing
Iron Trapdoor/DoorCycle open
Brewing StandCycle bottles
Glazed TerracottaCycle facing
FarmlandCycle moisture
ScaffoldingToggle bottom
Amethyst ClusterCycles stages
LecternToggles book
Cave VinesToggles berries
Bamboo StalkToggles leaves
CauldronCycles fluid level
ComposterCycles compost level
BeehiveCycles honey level
CakeCycles bites
LanternToggles hanging
Fence GateToggles lowered and cycles facing
Player HeadCycles rotation
BannerCycles rotation
Attached Melon/Pumpkin StemCycles facing
RailsCycles rotation
BellCycles facing
Bamboo BlockCycle facing and toggles stripped
ChestCycle facing
End Portal FrameCycle facing and toggles eye
ObserverCycle facing and toggle powered
SnowCycle layer
Turtle EggCycle eggs
Suspicious Sand/GravelSwitch Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Gravel
Grass Block / Dirt PathSwitch Grass Block and Dirt Path
AzaleaSwitch flowering
Water / LaveCycle level
Any block with 'age' propertyCycles age
Any block with 'lit' propertyToggles lit
Any block with 'powered' propertyToggles powered


  • Right-clicking with Moss Block on cobblestone/stone converts the block into its mossy variant
  • Right-clicking with Shears on removes the mossy variant
  • Right-clicking on a pot with a plant replaces the plant inside the pot
  • Any block with a slab or stair variant can be tinkered