Setup Symmetry

Setup Symmetry allows you to position and configure a 'symmetry node'. Once the node is set, you can start placing blocks with symmetry.

Setting The Symmetry Node

Use right-click while looking at the symmetry point you'd like to set. The symmetry point is represented as a small cube. The colour of the cube represents its state. Grey signifies the symmetry is disabled, and yellow signifies that symmetry is enabled.

The symmetry node can be placed on the face, vertex and edges of blocks.

Symmetry Modifiers

To enable symmetry, you'll need to use either the flip or rotation modifier.

  • To use the flip modifier, use Ctrl + F. For example, to flip on the X axis, face the X axis and use the flip modifier. This works on all three axes.

  • To use the rotation modifier, use Ctrl + R. Unlike flip, this only works on one axis.

You can use these keybinds at any point as long as the symmetry node is set.

The flip modifier can use more than one axis at a time and you can combine both the flip and rotate modifiers simultaneously.

The node can be removed at any time by pressing the del or backspace keys. The node can also be temporarily disabled by removing all modifiers.

Below is a demonstration of the symmetry tool.

Tip: Nodes will be removed if the player is outside the 256 block radius.

Video Demo